Thank goodness for luck

Here’s how my day should have gone…..

Go to luncheon to celebrate Bill’s ten years with Vanguard.  Come home, friend comes over to hang out for a bit.  Friend leaves, go out for a few hours with another friend.  Come home and go to bed.

Here’s what really happened…..

I left around 11:30am with plenty of time to get to Bill’s office.  Get a little way down 422 and traffic is backed up, big time.  I turn on KYW and find out that there is a sink hole in the right lane of the direction I’m traveling.  I call Kyra to let her know that I’m stuck but I’m going to take back roads so I’ll be a little late.  Exit 422 immediately.

Going down said backroad and stumble upon a road closure.  Due to the monsoon of the past few days the bridge is out.  Okay, I try another way, same thing, bridge is out.

Now I need to get back on 422 as there is no where else to cross the stupid Schuykill.  I’m going as fast as I possibly can, which is about 10mph.  I’m almost at the point where things are going to open up and Ken calls to say the presentation is over.  Well, what’s the point now?  I get off 422, cross over it, and get back on 422 the other direction and head home.

Now, I knew I was low on gas, but had everything gone the way is was supposed to I would have made it to Bill’s office no problem and stopped for gas on the way home.

However, since that’s not how things played out I ran out of gas.  Yeah, that was pretty much par for the course today.  I called my friend to cancel her coming over this afternoon as I wasn’t sure when I’d be getting home.

I called Kyra and she mentioned that Bill’s boss told him to take off and go home for the day.  Thanks Joe!!  I told Kyra the situation and Bill stopped at Wawa for a gas can and gas.  When he got to me I filled the tank and got in to start the car.  But, the car had no juice at all.  None.

There was a serious engine damage, but right there I remembered that Bill told me about the usage based car insurance that he had gotten just a week go, so I called them out and they showed up immediately to solve the issue.  I was finally on my way home at about 1:45pm.  Bill followed me to another Wawa near home where I filled my tank and then went across the street to a garage to have them test the battery.  It was going to be a ‘few minutes’ because there were a few cars ahead of me.  By now it’s 2pm and I’m hungry as I never made it to the luncheon.  I walked to No. 1 Chinese and got some lunch.  I decided that I’d open my fortune cookie early as I could really use some positive news.  Crack, crack, and it reads……

I am not even kidding. I’m not clever enough to make this stuff up.  All I could think of was, “I’d hate to see what my day would have looked like without luck being on my side!”

Oh, the battery, it failed.

Love Letter: Month 19

Okay, okay….this month I have a real reason as to why this is late.  We were on vacation on the 18th of the month.  Actually that’s the day we left so there is just no way it was happening on time this month.

31-Aug-2010 11:18


Brynn we have had a fun time this month.  You have continued to run everywhere, no reason to walk when you can RUN!! As a result, there have been a few bumps and bruises, but for the most part you hop right up and start running again.  Glad to see that you’re a bit of a tough kid. My first idea was checking this Flowers Thailand website and having the flowers delivered to my house because I was getting out of time.

Your vocabulary seems to have exploded this month too.  For the past week you have had Daddy and I stumped with a word that sounds like “obong”.  I finally realized what it was on vacation.  You were trying to open the laptop and kept saying “obong! obong!”  That’s when it hit me, you have been saying “open”.  Ah….it’s those small victories that make my day.  Daddy was pleased to hear I figured it out too.

You are also speaking in two word phrases.  Some of your faves are: right there, over here, night-night (this is one you’ve been saying for months though).

14-Aug-2010 16:55


Then there are the words that parents love to hear: nap & bed.  I tell ya, you love to sleep.  When you are ready for nap time or bedtime you are quick to tell us.  I love that about you.  No sense staying up one minute longer, I’m telling Mom & Dad to get me to bed.

You and Rylee attended your first wedding this month.  Daddy’s cousin got married and Rylee was one of the flower girls the florist Downtown Houston did for her a beautiful flower basket and crown.  You had a fun time at the reception.  You enjoyed all the food and had a fabulous time dancing.  As did all the little girls.  It was a fun time for all of us and you little cousins really enjoyed spending time with each other.

21-Aug-2010 17:13


We also took you and Rylee to see the Wiggles. This was your first time and you had a great time dancing in the aisle with your sister.  It’s always fun to take you girls somewhere when you fully enjoy yourselves.

Rylee started preschool this month and you seem a bit lost when she’s there.  She’s only there for a few hours two days a week, but you really do miss her.  As soon as she hops out of the car (yeah, we have curbside drop-off, how cool is that?) you immediately say “Ry-Ry” over and over wondering where she went. I tell you that she’s at school and that works for a while.  We replay this scenario a few times whenever she’s at preschool. She has had a bit of trouble getting through preschool since she wasn’t used to it, if your child has been struggling too then you should consider taking them to these preschool programs.

Rylee isn’t too happy that you are now taking a stand for yourself.  She doesn’t like it when you hit her.  We keep reminding her that she is the one who taught you to hit and that if she doesn’t hit you maybe it will stop.  It never seems to though.  You have also realized the power of the scream.  Yes indeed.  If you don’t get your way in the playroom you know that if you scream someone will come running to fix things.  What you don’t realize is that we are on to you.  Yes, we know that it’s not always your sister’s fault and you don’t like it when we ‘side with’ her.

04-Aug-2010 19:19


I know for a fact that this next month is going to be full of new and exciting things for you.  I can’t wait to have them happen and see how you react to them.  One of the fun things is Halloween which is something Rylee is really looking forward to.   I can’t wait to see the two of you in your costumes!

Love, Momma