Love Letter: Month 9

31-Oct-2009 17:11


Well, this is now officially two weeks late.  Sorry about that babe. Things have been quite busy around here.  And it seems that we will continue to be through Christmas.  What that means is we are blessed with friends and family to spend time with, so I don’t mind a bit.

09-Oct-2009 07:48


Big, big news this month.  During the past month you decided that are 100% done with baby food.  While I’m thrilled to not have to buy it, or keep it in the pantry, it does make meals challenging once in a while.  Actually more than that.  Since you are not a year old you cannot have eggs or dairy.  Do you know how many things contain cheese or need milk added to them?  Thank goodness you are a big fan of veggies!  Like Rylee you love broccoli and Napa cabbage.  We can always count on you to scarf them up.  You also like corn and carrots.  If we shred chicken or chicken nuggets you’ll eat them as well.  The best part is that when you run out of food on your tray you have a special noise you make to let us know that we are slacking and you need more food, STAT!

You have been crawling all over the place for a while now.  You are also pulling yourself up and cruising around the furniture and you’ll walk if we hold your hands.  But you don’t go very far yet.  I thought you would be walking by Thanksgiving, but you just aren’t ready yet. Maybe by Christmas, we’ll see how brave you are in the next few weeks.

You and Rylee really have a lot of fun together.  No one can make you laugh like she does.  It’s so much fun being home and watching the two of you have fun together.  Rylee seems to enjoy being a big sister and although she has her moments – like when you touch her toys! – she loves you very much.

20-Oct-2009 18:09


You have been teething for a while and your top fangs have made an appearance.  Next will be the two front top teeth.  I can’t wait till teething is over, I must have forgotten just how tough it is on everyone.

I am really looking forward to the Christmas season and having fun with you and Rylee.  I can’t wait to see your reaction to Santa, I’m hoping that if Rylee isn’t scared you will take a hint and react the same way.

I can’t believe you are nine months old already.  The time sure is flying.  I just hope you’re having as much fun as I am.

Love, Momma

Love Letter: Month 8

I am certainly not at a loss for material this month.  I think this has been the biggest month for you yet!

29-Sep-2009 13:51


Right after you turned seven months old your first two teeth came in.  You now have your two front bottom teeth.  They seemed to really just come in overnight.  When they showed up it really did explain a few cranky days though.

One of the biggest things this month was your first trip to Walt Disney World.  We had some really hot and humid weather while we were there, but you could have cared less. You had the time of your life.  This was the best people watching you’ve ever had.  Let me tell ya, you don’t miss a thing kiddo!  You laughed to yourself almost constantly while you were being pushed around in your stroller.

A week or so before we went you started clapping on your own.  This meant that when we saw shows and everyone clapped you were right there with us clapping away.  Anytime you see Rylee clap you start clapping too.  This makes both of you laugh a lot.

The other thing you loved about vacation was the french fries.  Yep, you would plow through the baby food because you realized that there were always french fries on the other end.  You also had a chicken nugget or two as well.  Of course these were finely shredded so you would have no trouble with them.  When we got home you were actually upset when you realized that there were no french fries after you ate the baby food.  You do still the typical Cherrios, but you weren’t happy about it for a day or two.

21-Sep-2009 09:43


The day after we came back from WDW you decided it was time to pull yourself up and cruise around the living room. That’s right!  You are now on the move more than ever.  You think you are pretty big stuff when you pull yourself up at the coffee table or couch.  Then you just start cruising along.  I’ve been saying for a month that I expect you be walking on your own by Thanksgiving.  We’ll see if I’m right, but it’s looking good for you.

You are really starting to interact with Rylee and us more.  You love it when Rylee kisses your hand.  Any time she does this you respond with a big belly laugh.  Most of your interaction with her results in lots of laughter from both of you.  I’m having fun watching your relationship develop.

25-Sep-2009 13:23


You still manage to make her mad anytime you go for her books. Oh her books!  She knows that all you’re going to do is pull them off the shelf, but she still doesn’t want you touching them.

I know that this next month is going be exciting.  We have Halloween to look forward to – and the photos that go with it.  I’m also thinking I will be spending much more time chasing you around the house.  Thanks for a built in workout babe.

