I’ve Been Tagged!

Twice it seems!!  I’m not too excited about this, but I suppose that since I have the time I should respond.

Six Things I Do For Joy

  1. Play with Rylee: I make sure I have time for this daily.  There’s something so fun and freeing about playing with children.  I pretty much go with her flow and follow her lead.  Once in a while I’ll try to point her in a direction and then she runs with it from there.
  2. Watch College Football: Sadly, this one is about to come to an end for the year.  It’s been a wonderful season as a PSU fan.  Although the season is over I’m anxiously awaiting their trip to Pasadena for the Rose Bowl.  I suppose that I’ll have to watch other conferences go through their playoffs as our team rests and watches game film.
  3. Watch Pro Football: As an Eagles fan this hasn’t really been much of a ‘joy’ this season.  However, I’m not a bandwagon fan so I still watch and try to support the team.  Hopefully things will turn around for the second half of the season.
  4. Spend Time With Family & Friends: I know this is a popular one for everyone.  It seems that the more that time passes the busier we all get.   Our friends, like us, are starting families and that really changes the dynamics of relationships.  I will say that we are blessed because we see our friends, especially those without children, as often as possible.  Getting our families together or even just to our house seems to take more effort these days as there are more schedules to coordinate.  To me, that makes our time together even more precious.  I’m very much looking forward to the holidays as we all seem to make time to get together then.
  5. Read: For a few years now this almost seems like a luxury to me.  When I get the time to curl up with a book I feel like a queen.  These days it seems I do my reading in short spurts so it takes me a while to get through a book.  I’ve been introduced to a bunch of new authors and writing styles by friends of mine over the last few years and I really appreciate their reading suggestions.
  6. Creative Time: If reading is a luxury I’m not sure what to call this time.  I will say it’s been far too long since I’ve made the time to be creative.  I have been telling myself it will happen over the weekend for so long that now it’s a joke to myself.  However, with a long holiday weekend ahead of me I really do hope that I find some time to get out my beading supplies and feed the creative juices.

7 Random or Weird Facts About Me

  1. I have a dragonfly tattoo on the inside of my right ankle.  Got it in the Spring of 2000.
  2. I have never smoked a cigarette.
  3. I am petrified of snakes, to the point that I cannot listen to people talk about them or even see photos of them.  Not sure where this fear came from, but it is very real.
  4. In my life I have had 3 dogs and 5 cats as pets.
  5. I have now moved 26 times since being born.
  6. I have only three cousins.
  7. I am not going to tag anyone else.

Well Baby Visit

Today was Rylee’s 18 month Well Baby Visit.  It was about as much fun as we expected it to be.  She cried from the moment the nurse said hello to her till she was back in her car seat.  She remembers the nurses voices because they are the ones who administer the shots.

Rylee doesn’t like anyone touching her when she’s naked, unless it’s Mommy or Daddy giving her a bath.  Other than that, hands off!  So she cried through the entire visit.  I was amazed when the doctor gave her a sticker because she was anything but an ideal patient.

After the agony of the exam she had to endure FOUR shots!  I felt so badly for her.  After the appointment she went to the store with Daddy.  Before they left I told her we could have anything she wanted for dinner.  Don’t you know they came home with a big bag of fried chicken.  Rylee isn’t a big fan of eating meat normally.  Well tonight she snarfed down more chicken than I ate.  She definitely takes after her father when it comes to fried chicken.

After eating half a chicken she ate a bunch of applesauce.  This is always such a treat for Mommy because Rylee must have her own spoon when eating anything that requires one to feed her.  So there are two spoons going into the bowl at the same time.  She’s getting better at putting the food on her spoon and actually getting it to her mouth.

I also had an ultrasound today.  The doctors had wanted more measurements at 28 weeks.  So off I went.  I’m happy to report that all is well.  Squirt is now 2 pounds 11 ounces, quite a healthy little girl already.

I have a feeling the next 6 weeks or so are going to fly by.  When I realize that they have flown by I will be about six weeks from my due date.  I can’t believe how fast it’s gone until now.  I’m sure the last few weeks, as usual, will drag by again.  Here’s hoping I actually make it to the weekly doctor visits this time!