Love Letter: Month 13

Things have been busy around here recently and I apologize being almost a week late with your thirteen-month letter. We’ve had a lot of houseguests recently and that has thrown our regular schedule off track. I think I’m almost done playing catch up from it.

This past month has been a really fun one for our little family. The biggest thing has been that you are now walking. You are not walking all the time, but you are definitely trying to. You still spend a lot of time standing and playing or “reading” books. You can now bend over and pick up anything from the floor and stand up again with the item in hand. We love watching you stand up from a sitting position on the floor as well. You really are quite good at it these days.

We are enjoying your attempt at a vocabulary. You have one thing that you just love to say, “Uh oh!” You picked it up from Momma who says it when something falls on the floor. Your first week or so of saying it resulted in the “Uh” being silent while your mouth was open, then we’d hear the “Oh” part. It really was comical listening to you. Now you have completely mastered it and you seem to enjoy tossing stuff on the floor just so you can say it. Daddy isn’t too happy about that, but we still think it’s fun to hear you say it.

Another word you like to say is bottle, but your version comes out as “Baa”. When you say this and Daddy is around he’s quick to say “ttle” to try to get you to finish the word. It never works and you just repeat, “Baa” until he gives you a bottle. This past weekend we brought you in our room in the morning and the first thing you did was pull out your binky out of mouth and say “Baa”. I guess you were thirsty that morning.

A few times we’ve heard you say your version of “more” and “thank you”. You like to say thank you when you hand something to someone. I think it’s because we say thank you every time you give us something so you think you should say it too. You are starting to say more when you sign it at meals. I have a feeling that’s going to be a word you master rather quickly as you always want more.

This past month we took you to have allergy testing done. You had the full back scratch panel done and I’m thrilled to report that this is one place where you take after Momma. As of now you have no allergies. Yay! Since we got those results we have given you grapes. To you this has been the best addition to your diet – ever! When you eat them (cut in half of course) you make such a loud slurping sound. What really amazed me was that you put down a piece of an Oreo to eat grapes. Are you really my kid? Who puts down an Oreo for fruit?!? Actually I was really glad when you did it. We want you to continue your healthy diet. And for the readers, the Oreo took her about three sittings to eat. She really does love her fruit and veggies.

I’m looking forward to the next month, as I know that more changes are in store for our little family. I know you will be walking full time any day now. I am going to have to go out and get some new running shoes to keep up with you though. You are always very busy. So much that these days you fight going to bed because just who is going to play with all those toys if you’re in bed? You continue to amaze me little girl.

So far, this is the best summer ever!

Love, Momma

Love Letter: Month 12

09-May-2008 19:33
Happy Birthday Rylee!!!

I can’t believe it’s time to say that already. This past year has just flown by for me. I have had so much fun with you and Daddy. It’s hard to believe that just one year ago you were a mere 5.5 pounds and now you’re just about 25 pounds of constant motion.

The last month seems like a flurry of activity to me. We were pretty busy. We continued our Mommy & Me swim class that the YMCA. You certainly do splash more now than when we started. You even splash constantly during your baths. It’s fun to watch you enjoy it so much.

We just got back from your first big vacation – a cruise, we didn’t have the money at first but we found the best credit cards by Motley Fool. We went to the Western Caribbean and you had a great time. Every day they had time in the morning for the little ones to have play time sponsored by Fisher Price. Each day there were different toys to play with. Best of all, we could check them out and take them back to our stateroom. There were some really neat toys there as well as some that you just weren’t interested in. It was a fun way to spend part of the morning.

I think your favorite part of the ship was the baby pool. It had a whopping inch and a half of water in it and you crawled all over every inch of it. You splashed a lot and Daddy splashed you a lot too. You really enjoyed your time in there.

You also really enjoyed the food. We decided that since you were almost a year old this was the perfect opportunity to introduce you to new foods. If you didn’t like them no big deal because there was lots more to eat on the ship compared to home. As it turns out, you love everything. Daddy and I are thrilled that we don’t have a picky eater on our hands. You especially love bananas, bread, pasta and French fries, but show me a little one who doesn’t. You also really enjoyed eating shrimp at dinner. You definitely get that from me, as it is my favorite food. Daddy is also a big fan so you were bound to love it. As a result I think I have figured out what you will be taking to daycare for breakfast and lunch going forward. Daddy and I are so happy that we don’t need to buy more babyfood. I think you are too as you really only want to eat things that you can eat yourself.

Right now you love nothing more than to sit and play with paper. Oh my goodness the excitement that comes from having mulitiple pieces to sit and play with!! You have even taken a piece of paper out of the office trash can and crawled away with it just to play. We definitely heard you coming that night. You are also not so stealthy when you are upstairs and you crawl with a maraca in each hand. It’s fun to hear you coming down the hall with them.

You have mastered the art of crawling, pulling yourself up, cruising along furniture and standing alone. The standing alone is fun to watch because you really don’t realize that you’re doing it. You are usually standing at a piece of furniture and you pick up a toy and just start playing with it. All of a sudden you are just standing there without holding on to anything. Other times you just decide its time to clap. These are fun times because when you do it you waver back and forth to keep your balance. It usually results in you landing on your bum and you giggle every time.

You are truly a joy in my life. It is impossible to imagine life without you. We have our own special morning routine during the week. The neat thing about it is that you know what the routine is and move through it with me for fun and laughs.

Daddy and I are looking forward to another fun year with you. It should be fun as we have all summer to spend at the park, a trip to Disney World in the fall and then the holiday season will be upon us again. I think that this year you will really get into things and have lots of fun with everyone.

Happy birthday to the best gift I ever received.

Love, Momma