Fall Update

It’s beyond time for an update.  The summer kept us busy and I can’t remember how many posts I started and never finished.

29-Aug-2011 06:39


Rylee moved into the Pre-K class at “school” this fall.  She’s really enjoying it and learning a lot.  She’s really been ready to do more and we’re all happy that she’s finally in Ms. Deb’s class.

We had a fun summer, we capped it off with a trip to Rehoboth Beach the second week of September.  This is the last year we’ll be able to go so late in the season though. I cannot believe that Rylee will be in Kindergaren next year!

12-Sep-2011 19:32

13-Sep-2011 10:52


The girls had a blast playing in the sand.  Brynn enjoyed playing in the water and Rylee continued to be a land lover. Maybe next year she’ll venture into the water more.  Here’s hoping!  They really enjoyed getting up onto the lifeguard chairs at night.

18-Sep-2011 18:56


We got Rylee her first bike this summer.  She’s tried to ride a few times.  Her biggest problem is using the brakes to stop.  She’s used to using her feet in the tricycle so we’re working on the newness of the brakes.  She really does love the bike and enjoys riding it.  Brynn likes to follow her on the tricycle.


On September 4th we had the girls dedicated at church.  Our church doesn’t baptize children and they do this instead.  They enjoyed being up on stage but didn’t really understand just what it all meant.

04-Sep-2011 12:49


We had some family and friends come and join us for the event.  Everyone came back to the house afterward for fun and food.

11-Sep-2011 17:05


We’re looking forward to a fun fall together.  We’ve been watching PSU and Eagles games together.  Rylee really enjoys watching the games with us.  Brynn, not so much.  Mostly because that girl just cannot sit still long enough.  On tap is apple picking and maybe a corn maze too.  We’ll definitely be decorating pumpkins.  Stay tuned for photos of those.

The girls have decided on their Halloween costumes.  Not to give anything away but at our house it’s all princess – all the time.

Things are going well for Bill and I at work. Bill just started a new project that has him managing quite a few pieces of a bigger project he is supporting the American Retrieval that allows him to get the medical record retrieval for his company.


I’m a Pickin’

Yesterday we wanted to find something fun and outdoors to do with the girls.  It just so happened that the local weekly paper had a great suggestion.  A local farm was having it’s Mater & Tater event.  Sounds like fun so off we went….

20-Aug-2011 10:48


The girls made cars out of potatoes that we intended for them to race.  But the heat and a Brynn meltdown prevented that part from happening.

The girls also got to decorate a T-shirt with potato stamps.  They both had a really fun time designing their own shirts.  More than that they are really looking forward to wearing them to daycare tomorrow.

20-Aug-2011 11:11

20-Aug-2011 11:04


After that we decided it was time to pick blackberries.  Everyone had a fun time searching for the big black ones.  We picked just under two pounds! We came home and the girls were more than happy to dig into them after lunch.  I froze about two cups worth so they can enjoy them again in a few months when it’s cold out and we talk about how much fun it was to pick them ourselves.

20-Aug-2011 11:35

20-Aug-2011 11:33


I foresee some apple picking this fall!