Well heck, I guess it’s our turn to get with the program and set up a blog too. Although our baby isn’t here yet we figured, we’d get this party started now so we’re up to speed when she does arrive.
Let’s see, what’s new, the nursery is pretty much done. We have the furniture, now all we need is the mattress for the crib and the bedding. We’ve washed the clothes that Dan & Lorrie gave us, and the dresser is full of clothes waiting for Sprout.
Tomorrow I will officially be 28 weeks so let the fun of the third trimester begin. The last and the biggest of the three is here already. Hard to believe that in three months we’ll have a baby in the house. We keep telling Jaxon in hopes of getting him ready. I’m not sure its working because his usual response is to sit, stare and then sniff or snarf. Who knows that may be his way of telling us he’s prepared. If not, maybe he needs a belly rub.
Be sure to check out our Blogroll to see the blogs that we read regularly. If you want a great laugh check out Dooce. Be sure to check out her photos of her dog, they are very creative. If you want to see adorable baby photos and video clips, check out Tanner Family and Shmuffinbaby. These are my brothers’ sites where they post updates about their families. There are also links to our favorite sites. Check ’em out!
Bill and I will do our best to post here regularly. I’m sure once Sprout has arrived we’ll have more to post. Enjoy.