Love Letter: Month 24

18-Feb-2011 19:22


Happy Second Birthday Brynn!

Whew, that came about quite fast!  You have been excited all week about turning two.  When we ask you if you’re still one you are very quick to correct us and let us know that you are now two.

18-Feb-2011 17:00


Brynn, you could not have asked for a better day to celebrate this year.  It was absolutely gorgeous and warm.  No kidding, warm.  Daddy and I kept saying that you’ll probably never have another birthday with temps in the 60’s and it’s a shame that you’re only two because most likely you won’t remember it being so warm.  But we’ll remember so we can share the memories with you.

We were all home on your birthday and we had a fun time celebrating. We went for a walk and everyone was out and about in the neighborhood.  We met some neighbors and came back to hang out on our deck.  I never thought we’d be spending time sitting out there in February and was delightful!

18-Feb-2011 17:17


Emily and Brooke both came over to wish you a happy birthday and they brought you some wonderful girlie gifts.  You loved them all and are loving the nice bows and ties for your hair along with the bracelets and rings.  I’m wondering if you may not be our Tom-boy afterall.

In the last month you have shown your true Terrible Two’s colors.  You throw yourself on the floor and have a fit if you don’t get your way.  Mommy and Daddy just look at you, step over you and tell you that we’ve been through this before and then go on our merry way.  When you realize that no one is paying attention to you, the fit is over and you get up and go play some more.  I’m hoping that soon you’ll just realize it isn’t worth the effort to even bother.

26-Feb-2011 13:13


Your vocabulary is still exploding.  At least twice a week a new phrase will come out of your mouth and surprise me.  Sometimes it seems to come out of nowhere.  We were coming out of a grocery store and you looked at me and said, “Oh my dosh (gosh)!”  Not for any particular reason, and it cracked me up. I’m not sure where you heard it, but I’m going to guess it was daycare.

When you know you’ve done something wrong you’ve started to come up to me and say, “Time out?”.  I’ll look at you and ask if you want to go to time out and you say yes. (I’ve never witnessed a kid ask to go to time out before.)  So I pick you up and put you in a time out chair.  You’ll sit there for a few minutes then you’ll announce, “All done time out”, hop of the chair and go play again.  It cracks me up every time.  I think the announcement is the best part.

26-Feb-2011 13:23


Rylee was nice enough to teach you how to put on your coat all by yourself.  You are so proud when you accomplish this.  You’ve also started climbing up in my van when it’s time to go somewhere.  Again, you make sure I know and glow with pride.  I’m just waiting for you to climb into your car seat too.  One less time for me to lift you is a good thing.

Wow, I can’t believe my baby is two already.  The baby years are definitely behind us now.  You are a full fledged toddler now and your personality is really flourishing.  I’m truly enjoying this time in our lives.

I was blessed to be home with you for the first twenty months of your life.  That time was such a gift.  I’m so thankful that we had it.  It’s been great watching your relationship with Rylee develop.  You two really enjoy each other and I’ve already witnessed you having each other’s backs.

20-Feb-2011 18:09


I’m looking forward to whatever comes next.  With you I know the time will be filled with lots of surprises and laughs.

Happy Birthday Baby.

Love, Momma

Love Letter: Month 23

Wow, I can’t believe that after this letter you will be two years old.

DSC_7015There are times when I look at you and somehow manage to still see my baby.  Then there are times you walk up to me and spurt out a long sentence and I’m amazed at just how much you understand and can convey that understanding.  It’s a struggle for me because no mom likes it when her baby is no longer a baby.  As much fun as each stage is, knowing that there will be no more babies in the house is a bit sad.  NO, I do not want another baby.  I just want the ones I have to stay young and innocent a bit longer.

Brynn this month your new word is NOW!  It is pretty much put at the end of most sentences these days.  “Mommy home NOW!”  “Eat, NOW!”  “RyRy go potty NOW!”  Sometimes you’re actually yelling at someone when you say it, but most of the time it’s just your way of emphasizing things.

You also crack me up with how you inflect your voice when talking. There is no way I can begin to describe it on here, but when you’re old enough to read these letters, ask me what it was like and I’ll demonstrate for you.  You definitely give Daddy and I something to laugh about on a daily basis.

25-Dec-2010 17:42


You’ve finally hit the point where you won’t take any bull from your sister. I’m not sure if this just because you’re fed up or because you’ve learned, from daycare, that you don’t have to take it.  It’s certainly been a wake up call for Rylee.  When she complains about it we remind her that you have probably learned the behavior from her.

One thing that you’ve started doing is actually sitting still while we read you books.  Before you’d give us the book, we’d read a page, you’d close it and that was it.  Now you sit there and enjoy the book.  You also have decided that you want to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with Rylee before bed.  Again, you finally sit still and watch the entire 25 minute episode.  I guess you’ve finally decided that you don’t have to be going nonstop until the moment you are put into bed.  You really do like to have both Mommy and Daddy sit and watch with you so this has become a new routine for us.

30-Dec-2010 19:27


Since your birthday is next month I’ve already ordered the fun stuff for your party.  I opened the box with you and you were so excited when you saw all the Ariel stuff.  I think you are really going to enjoy your party this year.  Don’t worry, there will be plenty of cake for you.  I just hope you aren’t nearly as messy as you were last year.

So, my babe, this is the next to last regularly (or a wee bit late) scheduled Love Letter for you.  I decided that once you and Rylee turn two I will stop the monthly love letters.  I started this when Rylee turned two and the reason is that once you reach this age there isn’t always a lot that’s new on a monthly basis.

Don’t worry, my new plan is to post a regular update on both of you from now on.  It will be lots of fun for me and I hope for the two of you in the years to come.

Love, Momma