It’s Rylee Time!

23-Apr-2010 16:12


Rylee I cannot believe that you are three years old already.  Where did the time go?  It seems like just yesterday that I was sitting on the couch holding my little preemie in my arms.  Now to look at you one would never guess you arrived at 34.5 weeks.  You are a tall three year old with so much hair.  So much that I tend to call you Cousin It in the morning because it’s hard to find your pretty face through all that hair!

You’ve had an interesting year.  A year ago you were still attending daycare two days a week.  That ended for you at the end of October and it’s been the three of us girls at home ever since.

You really do have a lot of fun with Brynn.  Now that she’s almost 15 months old the two of you have a great time playing together.  She wants to do everything you do so you need to continue to be a good example for her.  You are very helpful with her but you have your moments when I have to remind you, “Rylee, you’re not the Mommy”.  Some days you reply with a “Yeah I am” and I crack up every time.

23-Apr-2010 07:47


There are those moments when you think it’s job to discipline her and you have to be reminded that you’re not to hit anyone.  But for the most part you are very loving toward your sister.

We have had quite a few “Terrible Two” moments.  You can throw one heck of a tantrum.  Just tonight you had one that lasted almost an hour.  And as a result you missed eating dinner with the rest of us.  At the end of it I asked what you were crying about and you didn’t even remember.

14-Apr-2010 10:43


This year you have been so excited for your birthday.  This is the year that you really ‘get’ it.  You were telling everyone that “I’m not three yet, I’m only two”.  And now you are very proud to tell anyone and everyone that “I’m free”.  Yes, that’s how you say ‘three’.  Daddy and I get a kick out of it because you are anything but ‘free’.  You are really looking forward to your birthday party tomorrow.  You know who is coming and you’re excited to play with your cousins.  When we had a little family party on your birthday you were so happy with your gifts.  Brynn got you a pink Princess playground ball and you think that’s the neatest gift ever.  You told me later, “Brynn buyed me that nice ball”.   You seemed pretty impressed that she took the time to get it for you.  I love that you shared that with me.

The one thing you cannot get enough of is singing your ABC’s.  You always make the comment, “Mommy, I know my ABC’s” and that means that you are going to sing them whether it’s a good time or not.  I love hearing you sing them and I can tell that you are getting better at it as time goes on.

We have finally found a church that we like and you have a great time there.  The first week we went you learned about praying and now you look forward to saying prayers before bed.  I love that you have taken to them so quickly.  It won’t be long before Brynn will be right there beside you saying them too.  Right now that kid can’t stay still for more than about two seconds.

23-Apr-2010 16:17


I’m looking forward to the coming year. I know that you are going to learn so many things and want to tell us all about them.  It’s amazing to see your eyes light up when you have something new to talk about.

I love you baby!



Love Letter: Month 14

04-Apr-2010 15:30


Okay, okay…I know this now over a week late. I swear I’ve been trying to get it done, it’s been on my to do list since before the 18th.

So Brynn, it’s been busy around here recently.  I’m sorry to say that none of it has to do with Mommy starting a new job because that never did materialize.  It’s a long story and this post is about you so I won’t go into it.  One thing that didn’t happen this month was you heading to daycare.

I think that the biggest change I’ve seen in you this month has been your speech.  You are actually starting to say words and we can understand them.  When I walk in your room in the morning you always great me with a very loud “HI!” and a smile just as big to go with it.  I love starting the day this way!  Then when we go into Rylee’s room or she comes into your room you greet her the same way.

You are still not saying ‘no’ very often, but there is never a doubt if you don’t want something.  You shake your head ‘no’ with such purpose that it makes me laugh almost every time you do it.  I can’t wait to hear you say ‘no’ just as forcefully as you shake your head.

25-Mar-2010 11:42


You love eating bananas and now you have started to say “nana” when I get one for you or ask you if you want one.  You also like to say “num-num” if you like what you’re eating.

With you, it’s all about the food.  You have started to walk up to the pantry and try to pull it open when you want a snack.  You will even do this five minutes after you’ve finished a meal.  If I ask you if you want fishies or Cocopop you go running to the pantry to get it.

When we eat you’ve also started pointing to the things you want and making noises to let us know that you need more _____.  Oh, and you also sign ‘more’ very well and you even speak it quite clearly.

The best part about the past month is that you’ve started to say “Dada” and “Dad”.  I think your father is happy to no longer be called “mom”.  You say DAD just as loudly as you say MOM.  But not nearly as often.  The reason for that is because ‘mom’ is your word for many things.  If you want to tell someone about something you just keep saying MOM and pointing to whatever it is you’re talking about.

You had a lot of fun on Easter this year.  You really thought that gathering eggs at Bobbi & Papa’s house was a lot of fun.  When you were done gathering them you kept looking in the bag to make sure they were still there.  I think that next year you might give your sister and Evan a run for the money!

16-Apr-2010 07:36


In the past few weeks I’ve started to do your hair.  I have done the typical “whale spout” which your Dad calls an exclamation point.  I think it looks hysterical and I make you wear it a few times a week. It doesn’t bother you one bit so we’re keeping it for now.  Sorry kid.

24-Apr-2010 09:11


Last weekend was your first trip to State College.  You had a fun time having your picture taken around town.  You also had a great time at your first tailgate, and so did Rylee.  You two had a great time playing with the balls we took, the washers from the washer toss game and especially the mulch.  Yeah, and here I was worried there wouldn’t be enough to keep all the kids entertained.  HA!  All eight of you kids were total dirtballs at the end of the day.  It was great to see you all have so much fun. Of course you had a great time watching the other folks who were tailgating too.  You even walked right into the middle of a beanbag toss game.

For some reason this month I’m amazed at how old you are and how big you are getting.  A few weeks ago I looked at you and knew it wouldn’t be long until I’ll look at you and see a toddler instead of a baby. I remember when it happened with your sister and I know I’ll remember when it happens with you.

But for now, please keep running up to me and giving me hugs for no reason at all.  Keep thinking I’m the funniest person you know.  And know that I will always keep you safe.

Love, Momma