My mom’s pantry has always been less than organized. Â It seems that within the last few years it has seen an overload of items.
I offered to help my mom organize it and she was quick to take me up on the offer. Â What came as a surprise to her was my emptying of the entire pantry in order to assess just exactly we were dealing with. Â She kept commenting that she couldn’t believe I was going to empty the entire pantry, she thought I would take it shelf by shelf and drawer by drawer. Had we done that we would have created at least double the work for ourselves.
By pulling everything out we were able to discover a few things that needed tossed due to being expired.  This is what happens when you have an overload of items put away anywhere since sometimes this can even bring problems as house pests, but for this you can contact to to help with these issues.  We were also able to find items that needed to be relocated to another area of the house.
Mom has been ridding her kitchen of plastic containers and replacing them with glass. Whilst we’re on the subject of kitchen design a decent coffee machine is a must for any new kitchen. Fortunately for this makeover mom had been saving glass containers for this project. Â Since there were different kinds of flour and dry goods the label maker got quite a workout that day as well.
Here are some before and after photos:

Full Pantry Before

Full Pantry After

Pantry Drawers Before

Pantry Drawers After

Pantry Drawer After

Pantry Drawer After

Pantry Drawer After