A day at Knoebel’s

08-Jun-2009 15:19


On Monday we spent the day at Knoebel’s Grove.  My parents like to take their grandchildren there each summer for a day of fun.  It is something my grandparents did for us when we were kids.  I love that my parents have chosen to continue such a fun tradition. It is important for family to spend time together and more with grandparents as you need to cherish every time you can, look in this 5 Senior Friendly Autumn Activities to get inspired so you can go on an adventure with them.

08-Jun-2009 13:11


I didn’t know how much Rylee would like the kiddie rides, turns out I had nothing to worry about.  She had an absolute blast!  Her favorite ride of the day was the Whip.  Her first time on she sat with Evan.  They two of them were a complete gigglefest at each turn.  They were even brave enough to put their hands in the air just before the turn.  There is nothing better than hearing your child give an all out big laugh.  Take this times two and Bill & I laughed the entire time they were on the ride.  So did my dad and anyone else who watched them with us.

08-Jun-2009 12:35


I think her second favorite thing to do was to play in the ball pit.  Now, I don’t think I’d let her play in one at a restaurant, but here it’s very well protected.  Rylee had a great time diving backwards into the balls.  Both her and Evan would do this and their little bellies would pop out of their shirts.  It had all of us giggling while watching and taking photos.

The weather was somewhat cooperative.  The temp wasn’t too high, but the humidity was.  So we traded a cloudy day for humidity.  At least we didn’t have any sunburn as a result.  With this and no nap I have to say that Rylee was wonderful.  She didn’t get cranky till we were waiting for dinner to be served.  Not bad for a two year old at all.

We finished our day at the park with everyone riding the train and the carousel.  This is a tradition that my parents kept from when my grandparents took us.  It’s a fun time as these days we take up almost the entire train.

08-Jun-2009 12:55


This was Brynn’s first trip and we realized that Rylee was also three months old when she had her first trip to Knoebel’s.  Brynn rode the same two rides as Rylee did two years ago: the train and carousel.  We have to start them out on a mild ride.  They get to choose how wild things get at a future visit.

Thanks Bobbie & Papa for a wonderful day of family fun!

Love Letter: Month Three

23-May-2009 09:50


Well Brynn, I’m on a roll.  I’m posting this late again.  It seems that these days it’s hard for me to find time to do the things I really want to do.  The stuff I have to do comes first and then there isn’t much time left.  How different life is with a baby in the house again.  It’s a great thing and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

In the last month you have really changed.  You are ‘talking’ now and best of all you have a really great laugh.  It is a very funny sound and you do it often.  All three of us love to hear it and always laugh along with you.

23-May-2009 06:25


You have discovered your hands.  The only thing you really do with them right now is suck on them.  This mostly happens when you’re hungry, but you’ve been known to use them when you have already spit out your binkie.  You really know how to work over a binkie too.  There have been quite a few times when we’ve been in the car and I hear you back there sucking on it.  You do the same with your hands, but not as loud.  The noise from the hand sucking comes when you cough because you’ve managed to stuff your hands too far into your mouth that you gag yourself. It doesn’t stop you from stuffing them right back in there though.

You have decided that you are only going to have a few bottles a day.  No matter how often we try to convince to take a bottle you will only take it on your terms.  Sometimes you go up to ten hours between bottles. I was worried at first, but now I know that you will eat when you’re hungry and that’s all there is to it.

You really are enjoying being out in the warm weather.  Actually we all are.  Your reaction to being in the sun is always the same, sneezes. When you first get into the sun you always have to sneeze a few times. It’s pretty cute.  We do keep you in the shade for the most part, but you really do love the sun.

Right now you enjoy laying on your entertainment mat and grabbing at the toys on it.  You also love the flashing lights and songs that come from it.  Another fun thing for you is sitting in your bumbo seat.  It’s easy to see the results too.  You can definitely sit in there longer as time goes by and you are sitting up better each day.  It won’t be long until your core is strong enough that you’ll be sitting on your own with a big pile of toys to play with.  Daddy loves making these piles in front of babies.  He used to put enough in front of your sister that she would be busy for an hour.

23-May-2009 06:22


Brynn you really are such a love and pleasant baby.  Everyone comments on how easy going you are.  That makes it very easy to be your mom.  I’m looking forward to another month of fun new discoveries for you.

Love, Momma