Love Letter: Month 16

What a month it’s been for all of us!  It certainly has flown by for me.

15-Aug-2008 15:46
The biggest event in our lives in the last month was our moving to a new home.  I have to say that you really handled it like a champ.  You never thought it was odd that we were living amongst cardboard boxes for a month prior to the move.  You didn’t think anything was odd the night that all of our stuff was loaded on the moving trucks.  You just walked around checking out the empty rooms.  You slept well in the hotel that night.

You did have a few nights where you woke up and had to be rocked back to sleep in the new house though.  It was to be expected.  It was the only way for you to let us know that you had enough.  The move was over and you finally let us know the toll it had taken on you.  You also woke up very early the first few mornings in our new house to try to sort out the garbage the previous owners had left, despite knowing that the task would be more up the alley of Caledonian removals.

31-Aug-2008 18:02
Now all is well.  You walk around the house like you’ve lived there all of your sixteen months.  You think that having two sets of stairs is pretty cool.  That was quite entertaining to you the first week in the house.  We’re glad the novelty has worn off though because we spent a lot of time chasing you on the stairs when we should have been unpacking.

You still want to be in the same room that Mommy and Daddy are in.  You have a big playroom full of your toys, but you don’t like to be in there unless one of us in there playing with you.  You will happily schlep your toys out to the room we’re in and play with them there.  What’s odd to us is that although you won’t play in there, you have no problem climbing the steps and running around upstairs without us.  You think it’s pretty cool that you can see down into the family room from the upstairs hallway.

We have such nice neighbors too.  All the moms and kids know you by name.  I seriously doubt they can remember Mommy & Daddy’s names though.  (That’s okay because the two of us are constantly asking each other what their names are.)  One of the families has a nice playset outside and although their youngest just started kindergarten they still have a baby swing on it.  They told us that you can swing on it anytime you want.  I don’t think anything in the world could have made you a happier kid.  You love nothing more than to swing.  The worst part is when it’s time to get you out of it.  You always fuss because, if we’d let you, you would stay in there for hours on end.

We’ve taken a few walks around the neighborhood.  Your favorite parts of walks are people watching and seeing the occassional dogs out for walks.  Everytime you see a dog you squeal with excitement and want to go pet them right away.  We’re so glad that we had Jaxon for a year with you.  It’s made you realize that dogs are not scary and it also made you a big fan of them.

I’m trying to think of what else has happened in the last month and it’s hard because the move has been very consuming.  We are pretty much settled in too.  We have a few more things to do, but none of them are urgent.  It’s nice to feel at home and get back into a regular routine.

I know what else is new.  You are starting to talk more.  And not just stuff that we can’t understand, but you’re saying more words.  You have mastered “more” and “no”.  Two great ones that will get you far in life.  Another fave, when you’re hungry is “cheese”, you do take after Mommy! You have also started calling me “Mommy” rather than “Momma”.  You rarely call Daddy anything.  Sometimes a “Dad” will slip out, but that’s a rare occurance.

You like looking at photos and having us tell you who is in the picture.  Sometimes you repeat the names.  You are getting better at saying “Maiah” and “Bobbi”.  Once in a while you’ll say “Elijah” and “PaPa”.

We’re looking forward to many more fun months in our new house.



Love Letter: Month 15

Holy cow, you’re a month older already. This summer really is flying by for Momma. With getting ready to move things have seemed like quite the whirlwind lately. That includes Daddy not having time to post the photos we’ve taken. They will be added to this letter in a few weeks when he has the time.

You have done a lot in the last month too. The biggest thing being that you have officially moved into the 1-2 year old room at daycare. You are no longer an infant by any stretch of the imagination. You are a toddler now. *sniff* I can’t believe you are a toddler already. Things are going well for you at daycare. We had to get over the big hump of you getting used to the new teachers. That took a good month. Yesterday was the first time I dropped you off that you didn’t cry when I had to leave. Hoping it wasn’t a fluke I held my breath when I took you in this morning. Sure enough you were fine again. It’s almost like someone flipped a switch over the weekend. Now I get you settled in with your breakfast and I can leave a happy kid. A much better way for me to start my day.

In the past month we have also found a new home for Jaxon. Oddly enough you don’t seem to miss him at all. When you saw him one afternoon you seemed excited to see him at first but then decided it wasn’t that big of a deal. He’s now living with neighbors of our friends. They really love him and since they are retired they get to spend all day with him. It’s a perfect situation all around. Momma and Daddy do miss him though.

You have recently started ‘talking’ when you play too. It’s fun to hear you do this. A lot of times you’ll talk to anyone who is around and acts like they completely understand what you’re saying. You have also changed how you ask for more. You don’t sign it anymore, but when you say you want more, you now say it twice. It sounds like “mo mo”. We have to remind you to sign please most days though. It’s a work in progress.

Daddy had a fun moment with you a few weeks ago. He came around the corner to find you standing in front of the (unplugged) paper shredder saying, “” to yourself. I guess it has finally sunk in that it’s not just another toy to entertain you. We really do try to not use it when you’re around because we don’t want to encourage you to put things in it.

You had your first trip the Elmwood Park Zoo last week. We went with Dawn & Mark and the boys. You had a ball. You wanted to walk around like all the other kids so I pushed around an empty Joovy-Zoom-360-Ultralight-Jogging stroller. You had a fun time watching the otters and the goats. They really mad you laugh. This is making me look forward to going to Animal Kingdom with you in October. I think you’ll be entertained by many more animals there too.

You had your first injury related trip to the ER as well. You cut your face, near your left eye, in daycare one day. You fell and hit the little table. You are fine and your boo-boo is healing nicely.

This next month is going to be packed with changes for all of us. Next week we move into a big new house. You have to know that something is going on because our entire decor is now just different sizes of cardboard boxes. Well, your room is still decorated, but that will change very soon as we need to get it all packed up. I’ve been holding out on your room because I want you to have some sense of normalcy as long as possible. Just hang on for the fun to begin.

Love, Momma