We Start Young Around Here…

Last night we were talking to the girls about their Valentine’s Day parties at daycare.  They both had a lot of fun and enjoyed going through all the Valentines and goodies the kids in their classes gave them.

When they were done going through their loot I asked Rylee if she had a special Valentine at school.  She said she did and that it was Chase.  The next sentence out of her mouth was, “After I DO Chase, I’m going to DO Brayden!”

Bill and I looked at each other and immediately decided we didn’t have enough alcohol in the house to continue the conversation with her, let alone bring Brynn in on it!

Christmas Craft

The girls are very much enjoying the Christmas season this year.  It’s made it a lot of fun for all of us.

My wonderful friend Erin decided that she could make this litte beauty from Land of Nod herself:

She sure did and she sent our friend Kristina and I both kits to make our own.

Here is what the girls and I created:

06-Dec-2011 20:33


After Kristina telling me how tedious it was to cut the numbers out of felt I decided to try Erin’s idea of using puffy paint for the numbers and also adding some Flowers to the gift.  It was tough when we got to double digits because those felt pieces are about 2″x3″, but we’re happy with the way it turned out.

The girls are really having fun moving Santa toward the 25th!