Love Letter: Month Two

15-Jun-2007 17:44
I can’t believe that you are two months old already! The time has really flown by. This past month you have done so many new and exciting things. You had your first trip into Momma’s office for the baby shower that didn’t happen in May since you arrived so early. That was a lot of fun, everyone was so excited to see you and they all commented about how you are such a pretty girl.

18-Jun-2007 18:49
You have started to respond to people and objects. You love the Nittany Lion mobile that hangs over your pack ‘n play. You can lay there and stare at them and giggle for a while. Momma loves it because its perfect when she needs to you
down for a few minutes or to get you to relax and fall asleep. You also laugh at the things that dangle from your playmat. They make neat noises and when we pull on them they play music that you instantly recognize. We love to watch you play with them.

You also laugh when Momma kisses your big cheeks and both your chins. You always open your mouth after I’m done to ‘give me kisses’. It’s a fun game we play many times a day.

Today was also your two month pediatrician visit. You received four! shots and one oral immunization and according to Daddy you took them like a champ. As always, Momma left the room because she cannot stand to see you in pain and watching someone give that pain to her baby is just too much. However, I did hear you scream a few times. We were smart, thanks to Susanna, and gave you some Infant Tylenol before your appointment to hopefully avoid some fussiness and fever. We’ll see how the evening plays out for us.

Another month means another month of falling even more in love with you. I can’t believe that in 31/2 weeks I have to go back to work. I’m not looking forward to dropping you off at daycare that first day. That may be just as painful as having to watch you get shots.

This was also the month of the formula conundrum. You started to get too gassy from the regular stuff so we embarked on a journey to figure out just which one was going to make you feel better. We had some screaming feedings because you knew that what was in the bottle was going to make your belly hurt. I would try to sooth you and tell you that this was the new one and wouldn’t make it hurt. You know things are tough when you are trying to reason with a six week old! But we all made it through and have figured out which one works for you and all is well with the world again.

28-Jun-2007 18:11
We have also started to get you into a routine. Yes, we’re a bit late, but so far it’s working. Of course we think you are a genius because you have taken so well to it immediately. I think we are going to go one step further and make a bath part of your night time routine as well. That should be interesting because you hate getting a bath. I’m hoping it will somehow sooth you and help you to relax and fall asleep. Let’s see how it goes though.

27-Jun-2007 20:16
You were introduced to your swing and bouncer this month as well. At first you loved the swing, then went through a phase where you hated it and now you are liking it again. Another thing I’m thankful for because again it allows me to put you down for a bit to some things done.

You also really like to have tummy time. This can easily lead to a nap after you’re done playing. One night this month you even managed to shock Momma. One night I went in to feed you in the middle of the night and there you were laying on your tummy when Daddy had put you down on your back! I know it was a random thing but it really was a midnight surprise.

I know that this next month is going to be even more exciting as you will definitely discover new things and find new ways to make Daddy and I laugh and fall deeper in love with you.



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